Make a one-of-a-kind ribbed berry basket while getting to know wonderful weave-able plants that grow in the PNW.
Ribbed baskets are an excellent beginner basket. Once you learn the basics, you can make baskets of all shapes and sizes. Ribbed baskets are also adaptable for using all kinds of weaving materials - from plants, to rope, to old cloth scraps. In this 5 hour class, you will learn how to create the basket frame, add ribs for shape, and weave with at least 8 different locally foraged plants. You'll get to know each plant you use, where they grow, when to harvest, how to store, and how to prepare them for weaving.
The class will be held over lunch, please plan to bring a sack lunch and/or purchase food at the 21 Acres Farm Market. Bonus - plant walk/discussion over lunch!